A key focus of my advocacy is to deliver accessible and cost-effective Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions to support Local Government Units (LGUs), particularly those facing budget constraints in their digital transformation efforts.

Through strategic partnerships with leading firms like Securetec, I can provide tailored data security solutions that extend to the grassroots level, thus helping users like barangay halls, rural health units, and public markets within LGUs.

By leveraging innovative pricing strategies, users can now procure these critical cybersecurity solutions through simplified shopping modes, streamlining the procurement process and eliminating the need for intricate bidding procedures.

This accessibility empowers LGUs to fortify their digital infrastructure against a range of data security threats, including malware, ransomware, and sophisticated cyberattacks, enabling them to safeguard their sensitive information and vital systems effectively.

By democratizing access to robust cybersecurity measures, my goal is to equip LGUs with the tools and resources necessary to proactively defend against cyber risks, ensuring the integrity and resilience of their digital assets in an increasingly interconnected and threat-prone environment.


Can you imagine how much of a nightmare the flow of traffic would have been, if not for the toll roads built by the private sector under the Build-Operate-Transfer (B-O-T) scheme?

To be honest, I would have preferred not to have privately owned toll roads. I say that because if not for graft and corruption, the government would have more than enough funds to build roads without any need for private investors.

To put it another way, it is as if we are being taxed again when we pay the toll fees, despite having paid our taxes already. When it comes to farm to market roads however, we have been waiting for too long already, and it is now time to try something new. Therefore, if the B-O-T scheme is the only way to build these local roads, then let it be.

However, I would add the condition that the proponents should be local, so that the local economy would benefit, instead of the big conglomerates from Imperial Manila. On that note, the contracts should be given to the local cooperatives.

There are new technologies now, such as a non-toxic soil stabilizer that is available Reynolds Soil Technologies. It could be used by local coops to build local toll roads that could last longer than cement and asphalt roads, and yet cost cheaper.

As proof of concept, there are actual project sites that could already be visited.Ike Señeres