Mayor Jerry Treñas ordered on Thursday, Feb. 22,  the closure of 40 boarding houses in Iloilo City for operating without permits.

“In our relentless commitment to safety, we’ve issued closure orders for boarding houses operating without permits,” Treñas said in a statement.

The 40 boarding houses  in La Paz district violated Sections 53 and 240 of Local Tax Ordinance No. 2007-16 and Section 2 of Regulation Ordinance  No. 00-01.

“You are hereby directed to secure a business permit from the Investment Services Business Permit Licensing Division (BPLD) and pay the corresponding penalties to the City Treasurer’s Office before you shall be allowed to open your business,” the closure order stated.

The mayor directed BPLD, Iloilo City Boarding House Commission and the La Paz Police Station to serve the closure orders.

Last Sunday, Feb. 18, two persons died after being trapped in their boarding house when a fire broke out in Barangay San Nicolas, La Paz.

The fire gutted seven boarding houses, of which three  lacked permits to operate and two failed to renew their permits.

The two fatalities were staying in one of the three boarding houses without business permits.IMT